Monday, December 28, 2015

December 28--Roatan, Honduras

December 28--Roatan, Honduras

Phew! What an awesome day! 

This morning we docked at the Island of Roatan, Honduras.  It is beautiful!! Due to the travel, this is the latest docking time (10:00). So we got to sleep in a bit and enjoy some breakfast. 

Then we were off on our excursions! Nolan, Nate, Thom, and I went on the Caribe Extreme Zip Lining.  It was fabulous!!

The car ride there was beautiful. It was a true taste of the culture.  

Once arriving we got geared up in our harnesses, helmets, and gloves. Drew let us use his GoPro, so we should have some amazing videos to share when we get back!

Then we were off to the Zip Lines. The crew was so quick at getting us on and off.  Each zip line lasted between 15-30 seconds.  The longest one was 1,958 feet. Which is the longest on the island and the second longest in Central America.  It was BEAUTIFUL!!! You forgot to be scared at how high you were up because your surroundings were stunning.  To the right there were lush green jungles, and to the left, the beautiful blue ocean.  

There were 12 zip lines all together. It was amazing! Words cannot even describe it!

Once we got back we toured the port a bit. There were many nice shops. We went outside the gate for a more cultural experience. We had two boys, Anthony and James, both 13 who showed us around. They took us to markets and even helped lift Peter's stroller down the stairs.  Of course they were working so we tipped them at the end. They were very conversational and kind.  They said they go to school February through November.  Then we walked around with Owen for a bit before retreating to the ship.

Now I am sitting at the port posting this right now. Mom and Dad are sitting with us. We sure are looking forward to dinner and listening to everyone's stories!

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