Saturday, January 2, 2016

January 2--Driving

We were able to get off the ship at 7:40 this morning and made it through customs just fine.

By the time we loaded the suitcases and got everything ready we hit the road at 8:20.  

Traffic has been horrific.  We've added at least a couple hours onto the trip.  There was a Tennessee team that was at a bowl game in Tampa yesterday so everyone is taking the same route home that we are. We've been at a stand still on the interstate many times.  

We had a very close encouter to an accident. But luckily Dad's cat like reflexes kept us out of harm's way.  

It is now 7:10 and the GPS says we have 10 hours left. When we left we were supposed to get home at 2:00am, but now our estimated arrival time is 5:00am.  We're about 85 miles from Nashville and I predict traffic will get heavy there again. 

I think everyone is getting a little antsy to get home now. We sure miss Penny, but am so thankful to Laurie and Lynn for taking her.  We've started thinking about all the things we need to accomplish before heading back to work on Monday...I start my last full semester of my master's degree on Monday and Thom gets sworn in as Mayor on Tuesday. Lots of exciting stuff coming up! 

I'll post when we're home so you know we made it safe.  :) 

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